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who we are

Japanese Garden

Driven by our passion for innovation, GHI specializes in the creation, management, and delivery of real estate development projects. Based in Washington, DC, GHI has focused on providing clients with the highest level of service to reach their development and project goals. 

GHI serves a diverse clientele in a variety of roles to provide the expertise necessary to meet project needs. Our team offers expertise in project management, finance, strategy, green infrastructure, and technology. GHI projects focus on green building practices to implement a more holistic effort that will build upon the interconnections among various disciplines and building systems, as well as design, construction, and operations, yielding higher productivity and output through a more integrated process.


Curated to each client and each project, we serve as a trusted thought partner throughout the process of taking a vision from concept into reality. 


ARIC MOORE, Principal Partner and CEO

Aric established GHI in 2015 with Kelly to create a company dedicated to community development and social progress through real estate development. Aric has managed, developed, and designed complex commercial projects for over 35 years. With extensive regulation, design, and construction experience for both public and private projects, Aric's project portfolio includes office buildings, banks, retail stores, restaurants, performing art centers, museums, educational institutions, public sports facilities, warehouses, and single and multi-family dwellings. He has won various awards for his architectural work over his career. 

Aric attended the University of Maryland where he developed his own 5-year Design Curriculum that incorporated Art Studio and Art History, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Urban Planning, Industrial Design /Technology and Landscape Architecture.



KELLY SHIM, Principal Partner and Chief Project & Operations Officer

With a background in social entrepreneurship, Kelly specializes in developing strategies to deliver impactful socio-economic and environmental solutions in community design. Integrating education, workforce design, strategic business modeling, and detailed comprehensive analysis, Kelly develops strategic implementation plans, creating unified innovation models focused on generating working solutions. Leveraging partnerships with multiple companies driving new sustainability and social impact across diverse industry sectors including next generation agriculture, water purification, alternative energy and STEM education, Kelly delivers strategies to identify and implement creative solutions for a holistic and healthy community. 

Kelly holds a Masters in International Politics from The Catholic University of America and a Masters in Political Economy from Yonsei University. 


ANTHONY M. RACHAL III , SVP of Government Affairs

Anthony M. Rachal III concentrates his practice in civil and commercial matters, with specialties in energy, oil, natural gas, telecom, transportation, and other utilities areas.


Anthony is a former Commissioner of the District of Columbia Public Service Commission (2002-2006), where he was one of three appointed commissioners who regulate natural gas, electric and telecommunications providers and services in the District of Columbia. He was active in setting policy and establishing regulations to implement these policies as they relate to utilities. As part of the Mid-Atlantic Regulatory Commissioners’ organization for the States of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and U.S. Virgin Islands,Tony served as Chair of the Electric Committee. He has participated on numerous electric and telecom policy panels regarding regulatory issues nationwide.


Prior to his appointment as Commissioner, Anthony was in private practice serving as Counsel of Record to various commercial clients, including several Fortune 500 corporations, such as BP Amoco Oil Corp. and Exxon Corp., and he represents clients before the D.C. Public Service Commission. He was also Assistant Director, Office of Mass Transportation, for the D.C. Department of Transportation and Chief Legislative Counsel and Staff Director to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment with the appointed D.C. City Council and the first elected Council of the District of Columbia. This Council Committee was responsible for the passage of all legislation regarding public transportation, highway and transit construction.


Anthony presently acts as General Counsel to the D.C. Teachers Federal Credit Union and other commercial entities, including Washington Regional Transportation Companies. He was a member of the Center for Public Utilities Advisory Council, New Mexico State University; NARUC Committee on Electricity; MACRUS Electricity Committee; as well as a member of the American and Washington Bar Associations.

Global Housing Industry Corporation / T 202.246.8998 / © 2025 GHI Corporation. 

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